Hi. I'm Andrew Delapaz.

And I'm a Fullstack website developer who loves Javascript

Learn about what I do

Here's what I can do.

My most important skills.


My preferred framework. Comfortable with React, Redux, and Sagas. Acquianted with React Native as well.


Express is my framework of choice to pair with my React applications. Other backend experience includes Firebase, Rails.


While not my preferred language, I do have experience building Ruby on Rails applications.

Here’s some stuff I made recently.

Only the most recent projects are posted here.


Developed with React, Redux, and Express, this (M)ERN fullstack application contacts a public API and elegantly displays information about all of the latest TV shows. With the addition of MongoDB for a backend database, this would be a full fledged MERN stack application!

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A side project in progress, this application is an up and coming community platform for musicians to connect and collaborate. Built with React, Redux, and a serverless Firebase backend, this custom project has a fully built backend API and a React / MaterialUI frontend, making for a great well rounded contribution to my fullstack ability.

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While not pretty, it is a pretty nice showcase of my pure javascript skills. The project involved making a functional pong recreation, along with a CPU to play along with!

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Contact me.

I'll typically respond within 24 hours.